Saturday, June 8, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Thoughtful Thursday
Some things I witnessed yesterday made me wonder...what are our motives for all things we do and allow to happen in our presence? Whether it is a relationship with family, friends, customers, church members, students, coworkers, peers, or even strangers, what is it that we are ultimately trying to achieve through our decision to speak or do certain things? Is it one of self-serving results? Full of malice and or jealousy in order to rip apart what should be valued? Or is it based on the true desire to clean up, reconnect with or preserve a joy that we all were born with? To be blunt, we are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Regardless of age, title, or financial status we are responsible for conducting ourselves in a way that is conducive to the muddiest of souls wanting to be a better person. That is the only way this life was intended to be lived...being able to see God through each and every last one of our actions. Even when we fall short, and we will, the way we correct ourselves and hold ourselves accountable for our mess should be a testimony of just how magnificent God is. So the question we must all ask ourselves is who are we living for? The last time I checked, the best way to find your way to a final destination is to follow the person who is from that place. Sometimes highways get closed or newer and more gas friendly routes have been created which means the scenery may change but we're still going in the right direction. Having the direct number to the person who BUILT the place is a major perk! Use it! Calibrate your GPS often. Just my thoughts on a Thursday. ♥
Smooches and red rice♡
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Tough Love Tuesday - CPR STAT!
Sukki sukki now..Tough Love Tuesday is here!
Stop right now and write down that goal, that "thing" that is consuming your thoughts and has you daydreaming. Cuz what you aint gonna do is keep talking about what you WISH you could do! We 'bout tired of that conversation. People done got all comfy with gadgets that the written word is becoming extinct. When you put pencil to pad, a transformation takes place. You breathe life into your thoughts! CPR for your goals if you will. Whether it's a promotion in your current job or strengthening your family, or becoming an author, WRITE IT DOWN! I'm sure we got some scrap paper, a napkin, a post it note, suh'in! Smh
Gwine now...i got thangs to do today!
<3 Smooches and red rice <3
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Tough Love Tuesday- Traffic jam
Monday, May 20, 2013
Wings will make you fly
If I could bottle up this feeling I have right now, I'd gift wrap it and fedex to each person working towards just a taste of a breakthrough. It's going to come just keep working. People are watching you to see how you handle adversity as well as successes. Are we for real or are we a gimmick? Do we have substance as motive for our actions? To have someone to sit you down and ask about your passion then edify you and your efforts is an indescribable feeling. I thank God for last night's conversation and commitment. It took place over an order of wings and drinks. I can't find the words befitting of the whole chat but my cup runneth over! Support from someone who watched you grow up and watches silently (no psycho) as you build your dream then reveal their desire to make sure you are equipped with resources to succeed is more than a great feeling; you sense the ability to fly.
Ive been writing this chapter for a long time. It feels good to turn the page. #NoRegrets
Smooches and red rice!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
5 ft of Hootie Hoo!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Minding my own doggone business!
Today would've really been a great day for the Mother's Day was sunny, cool and just plain beautiful. I try not to get too sad about not having participation but I'm human so yeah I'm disappointed HOWEVER I'm really starting to believe these things don't turn out the way I see them in my head because maybe, just maybe I'm thinking too small.
I'm looking at the kind of people I've met over just the past 2 yrs in casual scenarios and I'm simply in awe...these are some real deal movers and shakers that have you doing double takes when you're looking at tv! Did I just see who I thought I saw?? Either they are in the spotlight because of an accomplishment or making the spotlight happen for someone else. Mind you I'm a HUGE HUGE fan of behind the scenes...from the planning all the way to the wardrobe! Folks have to bribe me to put on heels and makeup...I'm just a jeans, hat and tennis shoes kinda chick. I can get more work done in that sacred attire! Surely Im not meeting these souls just by chance! There's something very divine about this journey I'm on. So in order to evaluate things and move forward, I'm calling myself out on several things: *putting on white lab coat and reading glasses*
1. Your leaps of faith have turned into skips recently because of a few setbacks...get that together cuz ya trippin'!
2. Stop it with the 24/7 grind! 23/6 is just as good. I know you're all E Diddy and thangs but please go sit down somewhere and unwind with friends! Why have the coolest friends on earth and not be able to enjoy them?
3. We've already established and see not everybody is going to like what you do simply because it's you! Build you a very lil you can get over it expeditiously.
4. While you are doing all this stuff for this and that person, where are WE on this list? Im just comes with the nonprofit territory but err umm can we please at least get our eyebrows done? Smh
5. Remember that logo? The one with the mouth? yours up and ask for help and stop being so "I have to show people I'm a hardworker." The right people see that already! Isn't that how you met them in the first place? Do you remember some of the ways God showed up and showed out through you? This is why people felt we should meet these movers & shakers...cuz WE move n shake TOO! sheesh Now let them know what we need help with and let that show them we're also confident in everything we dream of doing!
6. Built ya lil bridge yet? Just checking *side eye*
Listen...every now and then you have to mind your own business and call yourself on the carpet about some stuff. Don't make excuses or pass the blame. We are all grown. Plus we would have an attitudinal dissertation complete with a dramatic conclusion that may or may not involve the snapping of a huge floral fan if someone else pointed out the truth. It's time to pour some tea for of one please!
Respect your OWN sway!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
World's longest pedicure
You know I have been grinding for the last 15 years to make it "big". My version of "big" is being able to pay my bills and enjoy vacations with my family without having to worry about showing up to a job I can't stand and supervisors that treat you like crap. Been there, done that and have the doctor bills instead of the tshirt to prove I've been there.
I have never been afraid of hard fact it gives me my adrenaline fix. Some people ride roller coasters; others drive fast cars. I manage projects that help the community. Yup! Glamorous and fame filled, right? Not so much. Lol I don't foresee any 6 figure checks coming out of that even though the work put into it is worthy. I figure if reality shows can make people very financially comfortable, then I don't see why I can't have somebody follow me around with a camera to document changing lives, strengthening communities, rebuilding hope, and putting smiles where frowns once lived. It is a very rewarding line of work...just like being a public school teacher was. *sigh* It's a fact that I'm destined to be a public's just who I am. So does this mean I will always be struggling? I really want to know. Ive never been a materialistic person so it's no shallow desire to acquire 50 pairs of shoes I can't walk in with empty purses to compliment them. Quite frankly, I want to be Robin Hood! There! I said it! I want to be that person in the grocery store who pays the person's bill behind me. It is really a great feeling to do that. I get a kick out of seeing their response as well as the cashier. I guess I'm wanting to be blessed more so I can bless more. I know money can't buy happiness but it can surely solve some problems that tend to block happiness. I want to bless my father with a huge sigh of relief in his final years after providing for 7 of us and our kids STILL. His relief shouldn't be in his final breath.
Until that day comes, I will continue to watch my last pedicure from August 2012 grow off and do my best to stay encouraged.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Just like a child who cries when they don't want to go to sleep...sometimes the very thing we fuss and fight about are the very things we need. It's not permanent...just for a little while to get you prepared for the very things you desire. While "sleeping" and "dreaming" some things are going to appear real and feel real but shouldnt be considered...thats that dream when you are trying to run but you don't move no matter what you do. The hard productive work doesn't come from HUGE comes from a plethora of simple things that are fun for you! Stop fighting "sleep".
Good evening yall! My fast is over in 6 minutes! Yes! I almost slipped but God got me through it!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Such an honor! Geechie Gurl(R) Inc. (@GeechieGurlTM) has shared a tweet with you
50 Amazing Women: Erica Michelle Alcox: Erica Michelle Alcox is the youngest of 7, mother of 1, former teacher, ... -- Princess Dominique™☆ (@MissPrincessDom)
Friday, January 11, 2013
Friday Food for thought
Its Friday and some of us are breathing a sigh of relief because the next 2 days mean a break from things that don't allow us to be who we really are. Sorry to tell you but that break only means you are heading right back in the same direction when the break is over. Something small needs to change so that those breaks turn into rest areas on the way to something made just for you. What's your plan to get to where you dream of being? Enjoy your weekend!