Respect the sway!
This has been a week! I shared with a few people my disdain for all the times i chose to stand up for whats right or to do better because it seemed like I kept ending up in a situation that was extremely negative and unbearable. My body was numb and so was my desire to lift another finger to help anyone other than myself. I wasn't myself...then the phone rang.
That was 4 days ago.
Now I'm sitting in a very positive loving environment with a feeling of so much gratitude for life and for the love of TRUE friends. Support during the darkest hours of your life is more valuable than a congratulations in the triumphs. This thought brings me back to why I was put on this earth. Standing up for what should be done is my calling. I am not perfect. I'm compassionate. Big difference. Have you ever been in a predicament and just wished you could be rescued by a good Samaritan? Sometimes just a little help is all we need to get through a really rough time AND sometimes being that help for others during THEIR storm helps you get through yours!
Tonight I rest knowing that a young man and his mother are experiencing extreme bliss as he begins his college career and a bright, intelligent, loving, ambitious young lady has safe shelter and a chance to rebuild her life and her dreams after losing EVERYTHING in a fire. This work will drain you physically but overwhelm you with so much joy that it knocks you down!
God is amazing!
Respect the sway!
Its been a few days since we last spoke and so much has happened. You got a minute? ya hips.
Ok so today was literally Move Something Monday! Ive been packing up our apt as we've come to the end of our lease. I just finished almost 3 this morning and then picked my son up from my cousin at 6:45 for his first day of 1st grade! He had a WONDERFUL day * insert teacher with classroom mgmt skills here* Remember what i said on "One bad apple"? Reflect, people! He did say something that broke my heart though...he was upset at himself for having so many "bad" days in kindergarten. I know my son is far from an angel but he's not a lil heathen either. Unfortunately, one teacher's lack of redirection and patience oh and lack of an assistant with over 20 5 yr olds has put a belief in my son's mind that somehow he has failed. I had to fix that with the quickness! We are ok now. He was trying to resist 1st grade but at the end, he said it wasnt so bad...but he's "definitely not doing 2nd grade " Smh. Whateva!
In other news, I ran the streets getting enlightened on how the "system" works or really doesn't. The slippery slope of being dependent or being in need. Let that soak in for a moment. *elevator music*
I'm a believer of going for the gold!! Believe it or not I'm happy .I'm chasing my dream!!!..I'm aiming for happier...and newsflash...roller coaster & stress ends when u die so if I'm gonna go up & down and experience stress, i'd rather it be because I'm working towards a goal. I choose this stress over the stress i was experiencing on a job because someone was inflicting it on me! Count it all joy!
Respect the sway!
Yeah thats when your day has been a cross-section of everything that can go right then wrong then so right again. I have been tested in the areas of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stamina all in the matter of 24 hours.
I tell you one thing, I'm no quitter. I may be emotional and wear my heart on my sleeve but I'm a FIGHTER. One day when this is all over and I'm not on a sleeping bag in the middle of the floor, I'll tell you the ins and outs of my adventures. I'm sure you'll find it an interesting story.
Until that time, I just wanted to share something with you. I don't know what is in store for me in my career or personal life but if the ups and downs I'm experiencing are any indication of the blessings that I'm being prepared for, WATCH OUT! I'm going to be something even more amazing!
To anyone feeling down for whatever reason, hang in there! STAY IN THE GAME! NO MATTER WHAT THE SCORE BOARD SAYS! There's nothing wrong with sitting on the bench from time to time. Just don't leave the gym!
Respect the sway!
You won't be able to buy this in stores or visit a website. Its not a new product or idea been around for years but remarkably still so rare.
This week's Hootie Hoo Hump day is celebrating people who truthfully give of themselves in order to help others. Not because of what they may get in return but because it's the right thing to do. Individuals, honest non-profits, next door neighbors, people who "get it". I normally would record but my red eyes wouldn't be too video friendly. Yeah I've been crying Smh *sigh*
Ok remember that I'm no victim and I don't put that kinda energy out there. I never know who is reading and I'd rather be a testament to staying in the game vs being spread eagle in the floor snottin' and sniveling like all hope is gone. I'm just exhausted. The magnitude of all that I have on my shoulders got the best of me this week. It's a rough time 'round these parts.
So back to the point...what can this world look forward to if everything must have a return? Yet we continue to post such profound statuses and pictures and tweets about empowerment and improvement while being silent everytime the opportunity to improve a situation arises. How do we really get there if our eyes are fixed on a selfish prize? I am NOT against being financially blessed. I just detest selfishness. I don't even think selfish people realize they're selfish. What's even worse is the greed that tends to tagalong.
I won't bore you with the typical "We are the world" speech. I just want to point out that we ALL are only footsteps away from being homeless and poverty stricken and God forbid it happens. Unfortunately its a scenario many have to consider ...even with a college degree. Its just so sad when giving and working together is the very thing that allowed races to survive bondage. Do we have to be put in such extreme conditions again to realize that strategy works in good times as well?
This Hootie Hoo Hump Day is dedicated to all who give in order to strengthen those who are momentarily weak and that in itself IS the prize!
Respect the sway!
I've started and erased 3 blog entries for tonight. Why? Life. I don't want to project all that is going on with me into the might cause someone at their breaking point to actually break and thats no good for anyone. I do however want my blogs to be relevant for readers. I believe that when you are going through something, more times than not another person is as well. I want to be an encouragement. So with that being said, i gracefully decline tonight. Then again, the realist in me is shouting "You better say SOMETHING! " She is such a heffa smh
People I am not liking my ambition right now. I'm stubborn and won't stop until Ive exhausted all possibilities ....and I'm there...EXHAUSTED. It's taking alot of strength to even type this right now. So what do I have to say? Umm lets start with Gabby Douglas...the amount of self hatred a race has was made international news Smh Gabby got Kanye'd by her own people. Hate it or love it, that's what happened. What should've been a glorious moment was tarnished.
This shows the dysfunction that exists but people refuse to address. And speaking of dysfunction, WHY and WHO came up with these reality shows that celebrates it? Seriously how is this even on an agenda in a boardroom??? I have better ideas on my sticky notes! Smh
I have some reality that you can record and televise! Ambition, struggle, faith, creativity, vision, tenacity,courage. How about those? Will it get ratings? By the looks of things, the whole show would end up on the editing floor.
See, I told that ol' realist heffa i didn't need to write...I'm too frustrated with all the tomfoolery going on. I wish writer's block was contagious...I'd sneeze on a few people.
Respect the sway!
Tomorrow school starts and its the first time in 14 yrs I'm not welcoming new students to my class. Bittersweet because I'm working on my own career of managing a nonprofit as well as a motivational speaker for youth. But the bitter is more like sour because I know of some "teachers" who are setting foot back in the classroom simply for the paycheck. So as to not upset myself too much more, I'm going to put this quite simply for those of you who may think getting your child ready for school is just getting supplies and new clothes.
1. Make your expectations clear to your child AND to the teacher.
2. Get a WRITTEN weekly report which can be email. If you are on FB, you've got an email and Im willing to bet that it comes right to your phone.
3. Schedule your surprise visits privately for the first 2 months. You get different service when slackers see you have your stuff together. Avoid Mondays and Fridays...too obvious. Sad but true.
This just to get you started. Unfortunately, bad teachers make the whole school year look gloomy but establishing very early that you are one of THOSE parents pays off with your high standards being known by the entire school. Trust me...there's nothing wrong with them knowing your name like they already know the days school is out.
I know this isnt your typical feel-good back to achool post but it's the ugly truth. Best wishes to the REAL teachers who teach students and not content. I'll be back to check on ya throughout the school year. Its my turn to play on Words with Friends against a former student I had his 7th grade yr...back in1998. I'm honored to be losing by 10 :-)
Respect the sway!