Monday, August 13, 2012

Oh my!

Its been a few days since we last spoke and so much has happened. You got a minute? ya hips.
Ok so today was literally Move Something Monday! Ive been packing up our apt as we've come to the end of our lease. I just finished almost 3 this morning and then picked my son up from my cousin at 6:45 for his first day of 1st grade! He had a WONDERFUL day * insert teacher with classroom mgmt skills here* Remember what i said on "One bad apple"? Reflect, people! He did say something that broke my heart though...he was upset at himself for having so many "bad" days in kindergarten. I know my son is far from an angel but he's not a lil heathen either. Unfortunately, one teacher's lack of redirection and patience oh and lack of an assistant with over 20 5 yr olds has put a belief in my son's mind that somehow he has failed. I had to fix that with the quickness! We are ok now. He was trying to resist 1st grade but at the end, he said it wasnt so bad...but he's "definitely not doing 2nd grade " Smh. Whateva!
In other news, I ran the streets getting enlightened on how the "system" works or really doesn't. The slippery slope of being dependent or being in need. Let that soak in for a moment. *elevator music*
I'm a believer of going for the gold!! Believe it or not I'm happy .I'm chasing my dream!!!..I'm aiming for happier...and newsflash...roller coaster & stress ends when u die so if I'm gonna go up & down and experience stress,  i'd rather it be because I'm working towards a goal. I choose this stress over the stress i was experiencing on a job because someone was inflicting it on me! Count  it all joy!
Respect the sway!


  1. I don't blame him I say we vote for no 2nd grade. Glad he is adjusting well.

  2. Lol!!! I vote we just skip 2-11 grade and let's get this Senior year rolling! Lolol

  3. Lol!!! I vote we just skip 2-11 grade and let's get this Senior year rolling! Lolol
