Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Methods, Madness, Mayhem, and Miracles

Had a discussion with a family member about some really deep stuff and just wanted to share. I think about this all the time. We  (ages 30's & 40's) are the ONLY generation that has the benefit of knowing the strength, integrity, and discipline of "the good ol' days" and the potential, resources, and growth of the "nowadays" HOWEVER there's a problem. The Nowadays don't have a clue about the Good Ol' Days, and people beat them up for not knowing. That's not their fault. You can't blame the fruit for what the seed produced. Either we will continue to shake our heads and turn a blind eye to the fact we are creating our future caregivers or we will train them how to take care of us when the torch is passed..and believe me it WILL be passed. It's called the life cycle. The only difference between uninformed and ignorant is your choice to BE ignorant. Most young people I meet AND get to know are hungry not only for attention but guidance. Of course they kick and scream and "nowadays", cuss to fight you on how they should be guided but that's their job to be that way. Anybody in here ever been a teenager? No? Well I'll speak up..I was an IDIOT when I was 14, 15, and 16, a jerk when I turned 17 and 18, upgraded to a complete ass 19 & 20 and 21-39 I was just stupid! lol Why do I laugh? Because I'm 40 years old. LOL! But seriously, think about it. No matter how old you get, you will NEVER be older than your elders who will ALWAYS be wiser because they will ALWAYS be the "been there, done that" crew.
Yeah I know there weren't iPhones or Droids or internet in the Good Ol' Days and I'm a lover of all things technologically advanced. Me and gadgets are thinking about taking our relationship to the next level! lol Ok wait that sounded like I have stock in AA batteries *talking in code & giggling* But I digress..the Good Ol' Days are not to say that Nowadays can't be just as good. All I'm saying is that there are some fundamental things that will never change. For example, writing a complete sentence. I'm sorry but I'm afraid of the future that does not include the WRITTEN word. Reading DEPENDS on writing!! If a person cannot read, they cannot communicate with a world outside of their familiar space. That's called prison! No outside experiences? Yup..that's prison. Same ol surroundings and experiences? Prison. Mental bondage is the equivalent of paralysis. No movement. Stagnant. Complacent. Frozen. Unproductive. Think about one of  the most important elements we need on a daily basis...water. When water does not move, it provides an environment for bacteria to grow and bugs to breed. When a person is lost in the jungle, still water is not safe to drink and just the sound of moving water means there's direction to something greater whether it be vegetation or even civilization. The Good Ol' Days taught us this...the nowadays takes a pic of it and uses it as a screensaver. *smh* I don't know about you but I'd much rather be AT the beach with my toes in the sand then to look at in 3D.
All I'm saying is just as the nowadays are pushing forward and making new traditions, the Good Ol' Days need to STAY in the mix to filter out some stuff that won't do anybody any good in the long run. Don't turn your head and "wish" somebody would do something. You ARE somebody! And by all means don't take the mentality that nobody can't tell you and yours anything either! That's why conversations and mediations are NECESSARY! When the nowadays admit on a Chicago news report that "killing is the only solution" but they haven't had to kill anyone, that is a true indicator that they may know there are alternate solutions BUT they haven't even been trained on how to use them! It doesn't take any training at all to pull a trigger, but it takes strategies to use intellect properly. I don't care how beautiful a car is, if you don't know how to drive, somebody else is now going to be in the driver's seat...you're screwed! You can't do a thing about somebody taking your non-drivin' tail clear across town to instead of to your true desired destination. You can jump out the car but then that's dangerous and you could kill yourself! They need to learn how to use the tools!!! We've got to teach them!! *deep sigh and a woosaw*
Listen, that's enough venting..I like to follow venting with a plan of action, otherwise, I'm no better than people who whine and complain then disappear. When will we move on this, people? I'm hitting 12 cities as part of the Knotty Gurl Calendar launch parties and I've got a plan! If you are a 227 stoop resident, then just wait for the recap of what went on, but if you're Saaaaaandra, then you are more than welcome to be a part. Go to www.knottygurl.com, see what the calendar is about, then say 'I wanna fight, too!" on the contact form. The method to my madness seems like mayhem to those who could care less or who aren't used to doing anything for anyone other than themselves. It's ALOT of work..oh yes indeedy! I'm sitting here now with my laptop on top of a HUGE sketch pad with a gazillion flow charts written and a dry erase board by my left foot! Seems like mayhem, but to those who have a desire to make things happen, it's organized chaos and we still believe in MIRACLES!
 Good... Ol'.. Days....
Need I say more?
Respect the sway!


  1. This new generation is lost. I am glad I caught the good old days because and a little bit of the new generation so I can be up on both.

    1. I am too..and we've got to help the new generation so they can know how to live this life better.
