Learning the background of some of the girls attending the PaJJ Getaway this weekend in Charlotte, this has got to be right!! Everything has to be pretty and sparkly and filled with love.
I completely understand why I was facing so many obstacles and getting kicked in the gut during this process. If you take a look at our younger generation of girls, there is a gap where too many of them are lacking the love, support, and guidance they need to feel complete or even worthy of being loved. Many are raising themselves and that in itself leaves too much room for some of their choices which put them in less than desirable situations. Our girls are the key to unlock a lot of solutions. Still hanging with me? Follow me, if you will.
Throughout history, women have been at the root of plenty of wars. This one is no different. If you adjust the expectations of one group, another group who desires their attention, business, respect, ANYTHING will adjust their behavior in order to get it. See where I'm going with this? If you strengthen a girl, at least 2-5 boys will be mesmerized. Yup those are my statistics...I'm a self appointed expert in teens after my tenure as an educator in the rigorous boot camp called the public school system . Back to the law of mesmerizarion. When a person is mesmerized, they fall in line with mesmerizer's expectation. It's just now hitting you, right? It's really that simple. Girls rule the world. We really do. The right guy will do what it takes to keep a smile on our faces. Now if only we would use our powers for good and not evil. Men have feelings too...I only learned that because of my father and my son but that's a whole other blog post. Back to the super powers.
In any superhero saga, the newly discovered caped crusader has to go through a training on how to use said powers so they don't hurt themself or others. Unfortunately, both have been taking place with and without awareness of why and when.Even though we have plenty of youth who are on the right track regardless of their circumstances, it doesn't negate the fact there is a need for reinforcement and interventions. Someone is not happy with me right now. I'm opening up a secret pathway to doing better and that's going to mess up some strategies being used to destroy our youth. This explains why I have had so many disappointments in this process. It's not because businesses have no interest or because I don't have a huge social media following or wear the latest fashions. A captor is fighting me for its captives. When you truly understand the true war you are in, you begin to study and learn the tactics your opponent uses in their attempts to defeat you. I get it. Do you?
So yes, everything must be pretty and sparkly and filled with love. Girls will know they are the apple of someone's eye. Those are my weapons. The enemy can't function under those conditions.
Erica Alcox
Geechie Gurl Inc
Instagram: @geechiegurltm