Thursday, June 18, 2015

Finding truth and hope in the hate...Emanuel 9

Cleon is a friend of mine. When my friends hurt, I hurt. I was lost and felt helpless when the news hit because I didn't have any words or resources to offer to improve their circumstances right away. But then I was among a circle of love at the feet of Denmark Vesey's memorial in Hampton Park. Let me share this.
To all my colleagues who run community centers, nonprofits, after school programs, second chance programs, camps etc...from me to you:
It is very frustrating when we work daily to uplift our community then 1 act seems to tear it all down and we tend to feel like we are never making any progress. I felt that way last night and this morning until I spoke with some people and helped me see something I couldn't see right away through the anger. Just a little perspective...we are making progress in our commitments. Even in his hateful words, this thug confirmed it by saying  certain words "...I am tired of you Blacks taking over...". By no means do we set out to make anyone feel inferior. In my analysis, people who feel threatened for whatever reason already exaggerate the smallest accomplishments of their "viewed opponent". I am no expert. Just sharing what I have experienced and it is not my intentions to offend anyone.  So to all of us I say continue to do. Keep sharing the resources we offer that makes the difference. It is not self serving to offer information and solutions. Information held hostage in your head is worthless. The lack of knowledge is what keeps people stagnant and complacent. Just be reminded of that when we feel like throwing in the towel. I send you love and blessings as we continue to put 1 foot in front of the other to keep our families moving forward. Praying blessings of comfort for all of the families, friends, coworkers, neighbors of The Emanuel 9 and Charleston SC.
All in love!!

Erica Alcox
Geechie Gurl Inc
Generation YEP Inc

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Happy Saturday yall! I slept til 8ish today! I guess that is considered sleeping in. Lol Anywho, I am about to share something I found cleaning out a box as I move things into my workspace. It's my resignation letter from 2012! I didn't know I kept a copy...but glad I did! I am framing it. Why? Because it reminds me why I took the leap of faith to do what I do. When times get rough, I will read it to remind me of my "why". People think this entrepreneurial thing is about money for me...I go deeper than that. Yes I want to be rich one day...however my reasons will never be understood unless you speak my language. Ended several relationships disguised as "friends" because of that language barrier. Do you. Explain yourself to no one. That's not news, right? But seriously, stop looking for confirmation and validation...that's code for permission. You already have it when you are blessed to wake up. That alone is your permission slip. This letter made me remember the freedom from frustration I felt for months. Having to "bootleg" or use personal money to get tools in order to teach my classes when I followed protocol infuriated me. I'm a single parent without child I was in a situation without student support...TOO MUCH! So I made my own way to be an impact on this world.
It's not glamorous. I don't have endorsement deals. I don't have PR or VIP access to events. HOWEVER, I have students who track me down years later telling me thank you and sharing their success stories. Parents sharing their gratitude for me being "that teacher". Entrepreneurs who thank me for the tips I gave that changed their whole game. Women who are happier now because of my transparency with painful experiences. Teachers who became educators (yes there is a difference) because of my dedication to help them grow. Husbands and wives who are now parents because of my guidance (Don't try to figure that one out lol) Plain and simple...I educate. That's my complete resume. That's just what I do. Nothing more. Nothing less. My approach is unconventional. My strategies are uncomfortable. My results are undeniable. What I do matters.  I am actually dusting off my horn and tooting it a lil tee tee (that means a little bit for the confused lol) I feel it is necessary from time to time. Reflect and edify yourself within reason. Don't go throwin' no parades and being carried into your local Walmart by entourage driven carriage. LOL!! But celebrate your gift. I met a beautiful soul last night by the name of Dr. Nina Ellis-Hervey (google her and thank me later) who said the same and if HER journey doesn't inspire you to take inventory of your role in your misery, you may very well be numb and that is dangerous, Boo Boo!
So for anyone reading this, have the audacity to believe in what you are gifted to do regardless of how "left field" it may be. Be consistent and don't auction off your standards to the highest bidder. Also, be compassionate and humble. We don't know everything! Lol Be willing to learn...especially from uncomfortable situations. Those spaces give the greatest lessons and breakthroughs...that is why they exist!
Yup..I am framing this glorious piece of literature! My best work yet! This speaks to who I am and what I'm about better than ANYTHING I have ever said, done, or written. This letter is me! I have indeed been framed!

Geechie Gurl