Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Nothing fancy...just straight to the point.
Laptop crashed.
Cancelled holiday plans.
High gas prices.
Storage wars.
Unreturned emails & phone calls.
Nobody helps me move my furniture onto a Uhaul.
Banged up knee and feelings.
Complete strangers show up and help me finish.
Complete strangers donate & encourage me to keep pushing for Knotty Gurl calendar launch.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

OMG!! She's running a way!

First of all i miss you! Yes you!! *hugging your screen* Listen its been haywire over a good way! Good haywire! Lol Do you know there is a high school friend of mine, Airais, is running a marathon on January 27 in Miami and is supporting my nonprofit??? Are you hearing me?? *tapping on your screen* A full ma-ra-thon! Not a penny drive...not a lemonade stand or bake sale! An event she is taking months to train for!! *passed out*
How do you ever have another doubt or fear ever again in your entire life when somebody puts their blood, sweat and tears into your dream and vision?? You simply can't. Never again can u ponder the possibility of quitting. Never. Her sacrifice and discipline is helping people in several communities better their lives and situations. Students get a new addition to their support system because she is running! She is running a way for lives to be touched! All because our work represents what she believes in and connects with what her life story symbolizes...never giving in to circumstances and pushing through to the goal! Airais is running a way for this work to continue!!
Please visit I have to go cry now.
Respect the sway...and the run!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

20 minutes and 24 hours

I had a  most lovely conversatio with a former student of mine yesterday and we swapped stories of overcoming feelings of defeat. She's going through a rough time and I told her that she was allowed 20 minutes to have a pity party just for the purpose of acknowledging her feelings then she was to call me back so we could move forward. She chuckled and I replied, "Oh yeah I do suggest small pity parties, but I don't rsvp to attend any. lol" She called me back and we moved forward together.
Today this is what she had on her Facebook wall:
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 beers. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to full it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar wad full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes". The professor then produced two beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. between the sand. The students laughed. "Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions--and if everything else was lost and only they remains, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car. The sand is everything else--the small stuff." If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there its no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life." "If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you." "Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn." "Take care of the golf balls first--the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand." One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented. The professor smiled and said, "I'm glad you asked. The beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple beers with a friend."...
FORWARD! Enjoy the rest of your day! 
Respect the Sway...before, during and after that 20 minutes!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday Tickle...ENJOY!

Even when you think you're not getting anything accomplished, someone else is in awe of your smallest triumphs! Believe're helping to inspire someone else!
Respect the matter how slow it may be right now!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Iyanla fix my breathing

 I watched her show "Iyanla Fix my Life" and she was counseling a group of women known as the "Six Brown Chicks". This was a group of bloggers who came together for one woman's vision of uplifting other women. Ironically, they self-destructed due to the different personalities and personal agendas. Perfect breeding ground for chaos. Needless to say, Iyanla got down to the nitty gritty and "put the stank on da table"! Yup that's what I call it when you find out what's causing that smell and you expose it for all the funk it has caused right before you dispose of it properly to freshen the air. Several issues of misuse of power and greed were discussed but the one that broke me down was Iyanla's encounter with one of the women who was the sole caretaker of her husband as he battled cancer. She was doing it all alone and would lash out in her own way against anyone within reach. Iyanla told her that it was a choice to either trust someone to be there to support her or suffer. *sledgehammer to the gut*
I never in a billion years realized that choosing one cancelled out the other! Sheesh! *bent over trying to breathe*
I know I speak for alot of wait...scratch that. I speak for myself. What I mean is I'm sure people can relate to what I mean when I say over the years of disappointment from people I consider trustworthy, I conditioned myself to be numb to the need for support. Numb and breathless. I tend to do real shallow breathing when I'm doing projects that could use a few people as a support system. I don't even realize I'm doing it...kind of doing it now *deep breath* When you get that one or two or twelve major disappointments that blind side you and knock the wind out of you, you do your best to protect yourself from that ever happening again. You become an enterprise within yourself. You're the CEO, the custodian, the mailroom clerk, the PR department, the social media manager, the cashier...I think you get the picture. Some may do this not because you have to but because you CHOOSE trusting allowed. Someone else may or may not do something that could or could not possibly destroy your vison. Naturally, or unnaturally some may say, I chose to hold my breath and swan dive into a world that did not entertain depending on anyone. Not good. Sleep deprivation, exhaustion, no time for self, luggage under your eyes, no social life. Yeah I'm admitting it. I"m suffering. I guess I didn't realize it because all of my work is done to help bridge the gap between a person's goals and achieving them. I don't regret anything that has been done to help.
After tonight's show, I have some serious thinking to do. Where do I go from here? I'm passionate about what I believe in. There will be no abandoning ship. I just have to figure out how to sail a healthier ship!
Respect the Sway!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Methods, Madness, Mayhem, and Miracles

Had a discussion with a family member about some really deep stuff and just wanted to share. I think about this all the time. We  (ages 30's & 40's) are the ONLY generation that has the benefit of knowing the strength, integrity, and discipline of "the good ol' days" and the potential, resources, and growth of the "nowadays" HOWEVER there's a problem. The Nowadays don't have a clue about the Good Ol' Days, and people beat them up for not knowing. That's not their fault. You can't blame the fruit for what the seed produced. Either we will continue to shake our heads and turn a blind eye to the fact we are creating our future caregivers or we will train them how to take care of us when the torch is passed..and believe me it WILL be passed. It's called the life cycle. The only difference between uninformed and ignorant is your choice to BE ignorant. Most young people I meet AND get to know are hungry not only for attention but guidance. Of course they kick and scream and "nowadays", cuss to fight you on how they should be guided but that's their job to be that way. Anybody in here ever been a teenager? No? Well I'll speak up..I was an IDIOT when I was 14, 15, and 16, a jerk when I turned 17 and 18, upgraded to a complete ass 19 & 20 and 21-39 I was just stupid! lol Why do I laugh? Because I'm 40 years old. LOL! But seriously, think about it. No matter how old you get, you will NEVER be older than your elders who will ALWAYS be wiser because they will ALWAYS be the "been there, done that" crew.
Yeah I know there weren't iPhones or Droids or internet in the Good Ol' Days and I'm a lover of all things technologically advanced. Me and gadgets are thinking about taking our relationship to the next level! lol Ok wait that sounded like I have stock in AA batteries *talking in code & giggling* But I digress..the Good Ol' Days are not to say that Nowadays can't be just as good. All I'm saying is that there are some fundamental things that will never change. For example, writing a complete sentence. I'm sorry but I'm afraid of the future that does not include the WRITTEN word. Reading DEPENDS on writing!! If a person cannot read, they cannot communicate with a world outside of their familiar space. That's called prison! No outside experiences? Yup..that's prison. Same ol surroundings and experiences? Prison. Mental bondage is the equivalent of paralysis. No movement. Stagnant. Complacent. Frozen. Unproductive. Think about one of  the most important elements we need on a daily basis...water. When water does not move, it provides an environment for bacteria to grow and bugs to breed. When a person is lost in the jungle, still water is not safe to drink and just the sound of moving water means there's direction to something greater whether it be vegetation or even civilization. The Good Ol' Days taught us this...the nowadays takes a pic of it and uses it as a screensaver. *smh* I don't know about you but I'd much rather be AT the beach with my toes in the sand then to look at in 3D.
All I'm saying is just as the nowadays are pushing forward and making new traditions, the Good Ol' Days need to STAY in the mix to filter out some stuff that won't do anybody any good in the long run. Don't turn your head and "wish" somebody would do something. You ARE somebody! And by all means don't take the mentality that nobody can't tell you and yours anything either! That's why conversations and mediations are NECESSARY! When the nowadays admit on a Chicago news report that "killing is the only solution" but they haven't had to kill anyone, that is a true indicator that they may know there are alternate solutions BUT they haven't even been trained on how to use them! It doesn't take any training at all to pull a trigger, but it takes strategies to use intellect properly. I don't care how beautiful a car is, if you don't know how to drive, somebody else is now going to be in the driver's're screwed! You can't do a thing about somebody taking your non-drivin' tail clear across town to instead of to your true desired destination. You can jump out the car but then that's dangerous and you could kill yourself! They need to learn how to use the tools!!! We've got to teach them!! *deep sigh and a woosaw*
Listen, that's enough venting..I like to follow venting with a plan of action, otherwise, I'm no better than people who whine and complain then disappear. When will we move on this, people? I'm hitting 12 cities as part of the Knotty Gurl Calendar launch parties and I've got a plan! If you are a 227 stoop resident, then just wait for the recap of what went on, but if you're Saaaaaandra, then you are more than welcome to be a part. Go to, see what the calendar is about, then say 'I wanna fight, too!" on the contact form. The method to my madness seems like mayhem to those who could care less or who aren't used to doing anything for anyone other than themselves. It's ALOT of work..oh yes indeedy! I'm sitting here now with my laptop on top of a HUGE sketch pad with a gazillion flow charts written and a dry erase board by my left foot! Seems like mayhem, but to those who have a desire to make things happen, it's organized chaos and we still believe in MIRACLES!
 Good... Ol'.. Days....
Need I say more?
Respect the sway!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I've never known love like this before!

Dear Mobile Office,
Listen, I know yall tired. I tired too..but I reaaallly am askin yall to hold on, ok? I need ya! It's real out hurr in deez streets! We are gettin some really good important work done so don't think Mama don't know how valuable your efforts are.One day we will get funding to make sure you guys get regular checkups and counseling sessions. Laptop, I PROMISE I will get you a new left click button and therapy for your anger issues. Phone I promise we will put an APB out on your occasional missing voice and amnesia from time to time. Bluetooth your sleep disorder is getting looked into. Printer we will get you something to drink direckly. Yall just hoooollld on. Things are gonna get better and your work will NOT be in vain! We are almost there with our Talented 10 for 10/10 to get 10 people to donate $10 each on Oct 10 to help Emerging Leaders Mentoring Program! All we need is 5 more to commit! A whole lotta people's lives are gonna be better because of yall and we'll get you some help ok? Ok! That's the spirit! I love yall! mmmuah!

Respect the sway!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pajamas are the new power suit!

II've been around the world in 24 hours! Ok not the world but I definitely left my footprint on I85. I drove from Charlotte to Atlanta and back to Charlotte in a matter of 23 hours and 46 minutes. In between the round-trip I did a presentation for's "I Love Me" pajama party during Fro Fashion Week (FFW) in Atlanta. *whew that was a mouthful* I had a BLAST! First of all, I feel that pajama pants should be voted as the official article of clothing for all hard workers that DON'T get any sleep. lol This way it seems like we did. *shoulder shrug* Just a thought. 
Anywho I had the opportunity to share my passion for inspiring and training youth on simple strategies to be positive and going after their dreams. I've had my share of sitting in the classroom or at an assembly while my students were bored to death by a presenter or guest speaker that meant well but just didn't deliver the message in a way that captured the students' attention or got them involved so that the message DID stick. Sad but I'm pleased to announce that I haven't lost any "patients" on the operating table! That's what 14+ years as a public school teacher in some of the most challenging schools will do for gives you chops! *blowing on my knuckles*
I got to talk about goals and journaling as well as what to do when dream killers come a-knockin! I was in the zone! Got to meet and bond with Ms. Jess of the Jessicurl hair care line, and The Sistah Chick, and Serial Thinker, and Oh Nikka and BigHairBrwnEyes and Tarin of FFW and of course Julia who is the mastermind behind Oh and shout out to Julia's mom who was right there supporting HER daughter in her dreams just like mine does for me! Moms rock! *sighing smile* It was just a good ol' fashioned love fest at the Smyrna Community Center! Last night I didn't even understand the magnitude of what happened until I got back here in Charlotte and just sat still. My purpose was to go and talk to almost 50 lil brown gurls about HOW to go after their dreams instead of just SAYING "believe in your dreams".
 I think I had more fun than them! What I didn't realize was 3 things 1) I just connected with major bloggers in Atlanta and THE owner of a major hair care product that crosses ethnic lines. This owner didn't say "if you come to California" but "WHEN you come to California" with the calendar launch parties I have planned for my Knotty Gurl project...HELLO! VISION=OPPORTUNITIES FALLING IN YOUR LAP especially when you are genuinely giving back 2.) A lil gurl RAN up to me after my presentation and presented me with a sticky note that said You are the best! and gave me a huge hug! No explanation needed for how that made me feel. *tear and bottom lip tremble* But the best part of last night 3.) seeing my son Nick in action with the camera and having teachable moments of doing unusual things in order to make your dream happen as well as have experiences you keep with you for a lifetime! He fully understood and was a professional in his responsibilities as videographer and photographer. He's so creative and swift until it's kinda scary, but I love letting him flex his artistic muscles. Of course he likes to flex his future muscles too. I just chuckle and keep hope alive for the bird whose chest he hijacked smh He's a soldier and I'm proud of all that he has endured in his soon to be 7 years of life. 
So my moral of the story: Find out what gives you FREEDOM, make up your mind to do it, and don't look back. When (not if) you get a clue of what your purpose is and how to give back, be fully committed to making it happen. No excuses. I can't do have any excuses because my Great Great Great Grandmother is watching me very closely...that pic from my last blog "Puzzle pieces make me cry" is now my phone wallpaper. I don't have a choice BUT to push forward. Do what's hard while it's easy. I'm actually doing it while it's hard...behind the scenes ain't pretty, but it makes it all the sweeter...and to think, I did all of this in my pajamas! POWERFUL!
Respect the matter how young and tiny it is :-)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Puzzle pieces make me cry

Imagine getting a phone call from your mother saying check your email and she won't tell me what she sent. I open it and I look and she says.."this is your Great Great Grandmother who birthed me." Tears just start flowing because you finally get a maj
or puzzle piece you've been waiting for! Everyone please meet my Great Great Grandmother Lydia on the left, my Great Great Grand Uncle Ike and his wife my Great Great Grand Aunt Elizabeth. 
I remember being about 5 months pregnant and going to a family reunion on my mother's side in Yemassee, SC on Cherokee Plantation. This is a huge piece of land that is now some sort of private resort and we had to get permission to enter. How ironic. My ancestors built it and I have to ask if it's ok to walk on it. *blank stare* But I understand business is business. We toured the land and there were several things that took my breath away. The reservoir that was gorgeous was built by my tractor trailers, no riding lawnmowers....just their buckets, and shovels and their body. *taking a breath* Then walking through the front door of the "Big House" and my mother gets emotional. It's the first time she's ever walked in there through the FRONT door even though she was born on that land. The final moment that will always stick with me. We found the grave of my Great Great Grandmother Lydia who was the midwife for my mother's birth. *closing my eyes and picturing the women welcoming my mother into the world and taking care of my Granny* Simple puzzle pieces. Tears for days. I now know what my son felt like when he got to finally meet his father for the first time. He had an expression of peace. To be so young and to have such an acknowledgement of who he is just speaks volumes to me now. I couldn't relate to his frustration because I grew up with both of my parents. I felt helpless because I didn't know what to say since I hadn't experienced that pain. Remember my post about pain being the gift no one wants but that everyone needs? It gives you empathy and I couldn't empathize with my own son, until now. To know where you came from puts puzzle pieces in their rightful place. That's HUGE! and such a terror to my sinuses! lol **blowing nose and sanitizing hands to continue typing**
Puzzle pieces. It makes even more sense why a puzzle is the symbol for Autism Awareness. All of the pieces are there but just to have them all fit together at the right time is the struggle. Having had some students who were autistic, I have a small inkling of an idea of what a mother of a child with autism must go through. Waiting eagerly for a puzzle piece to fall into its rightful place. I'm sure tears fall when it happens. I know it did whenever I got that to happen for that student who struggled. Puzzle pieces make me cry.
My mother always wondered what her Great Grandmother looked like. When she called me tonight and I heard the peace in her voice, I was elated for her. Her puzzle piece that she had been looking for allllll these years fell into place! My 3G Ma didn't take no mess from NOOOOOOBODY!! Can't you tell from her expression? And her daughter, My Great Grandmother, was Big Hat who was the ONLY woman on Cherokee Plantation with a car! POW! Now is it making sense how I got the way I am? I can't help BUT to grind daily and go wherever I need to go to make it happen! It's in my bloooood! lol I love it and I won't let their lives be in vain! EVERY opportunity that comes my way and it allows me to continue building a legacy that has their blood, sweat, and tears on it will be taken! I can't wait until my Big Hat puzzle pieces falls into its space!! OH and FYI, Cherokee Plantation the very land MY ancestors built is said to have caught Oprah's attention. Hmmmm.
Respect the Sway...and your puzzle!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


LOL! Remember when Jackee Harry used to play Sandra Clark on 227?? She was FABULOUS before the word even existed in its current meaning! I loooved her hair, her smile, her energy and her DRIVE! You ever noticed that she was always dressed like she knew she was important and coming and going ALL the time! Either to work or out on a She had it together and wasn't a floozy! Successful,hardworking, feminine, and happy! 
Now watch this...who was always talking about her? Maaaaaarrryy! lol Why? I still don't know why? My guess was jeallllouuussyy and for no  reason. If you ever paid attention, you ever notice that Sandra was hardly EVER sitting on the stoop with Mary, Rose, and Pearl in that doggone window...weren't the purple hats around then? Pearl needed a hobby! Mary and Rose needed to do something with allll of their extra time. Of course I believe in unwinding but when you use your "free time" to constantly talk about Sandra who happens to be living life and being active, then you have TOO much free time on your hands. 
Nothing gets my cotton boy shorts in a bunch more than people who ALWAYS have something negative to say about someone elses efforts to uplift the community, better yourself, go after your dreams. Oh it's always said, let your haters be your motivators. I know I's just that I am a thinker and always trying to find rationales behind behavior. Why do hurt people try to hurt people? Just analyzing the crap outta each and everything trying to find something wrong. *insert fashionable jacket that makes you hug yourself* Yes that's is CRAZY! Who does that? smh Not I, said the cat! I love to see people succeed! It makes me want to keep striving for excellence. Maybe they are angry because the bar has been raised again everytime someone does well and now they feel like another person's perserverance magnifies their complacency and they don't like that crap! lol That's it! I have figured it out! lol Yall stop magnifying all the stoop squatters with all your action and goals and workshops and agendas and networking and praise reports! Shame on ya! *taking my meds so I can snap out of it*
What's really sad is the fact these stoop squatters have the same resources ,if not more, as the ones who are diligently working to make things happen with little to no tools. There are people, young and old, who wish they could do what stoop squatters don't take the time to..and that's get up, get out, and DO something productive. **sweeping my stoop** Excuse the dust.
Oh before I's a prime example of some young people who want to avoid being stoop squatters but are in a bad situation right now. 
Ok here's the situation: there's 3 groups of students I want to do a workshop for through my nonprofit but they don't have a budget to get the specific supplies I need to do what I of those groups happens to be incarcerated teens in Charlotte. To do it by next month before November, I need to raise some moola. If I can get 12 businesses to do 1 month of Text Alertz on, it wil be COVERED! We get a portion of the proceeds from that purchaes or ANY purchase for that matter!! **CONFETTI* You know I did the math! Can ya help yourself which will end up helping us to help students? Wow now THAT'S a Saaaaaaandra moment!
Respect the Sway! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lumpy Rugs...

will always make you stumble and hurt yourself and possibly others. What doesn't make sense is the fact that you were the one that swept the debris and mess under there in the first place. I'm sure you can tell that I've been glued to the tv watching Iyanla Vanzant's "Fix My Life" as she interviews Evelyn from Basketball Wives Reality (HA!) show on VH1. I'm in awe of the things we, male and female, ignore in order to get the things we desire at the moment. The temporary fix with the price tag of permanent damage. How do we silence our intellect, a God given customized gift for humans only, so much that we put ourselves and our soul in danger? To substitute meaningful relationships and decisions with shallow and empty ties and choices is a failure of epic proportions. The domino effect of all that will take place is saddening and destructive...not only for ourselves, but for everyone whose space we enter and dwell.
I know for a fact that my son will forever have a strange relationship with money because of how hard we have to struggle and how hard I work to make things as efficient as possible since I am the head of household.. My son is used to me giving him a dollar to put in the collection plate at church. Today in church, he saw I had no dollar bills at all in my wallet and I gave him some change. He tried to give it back and said, " I don't want you to waste your money." My heart sank and I told him that I was ok because we were giving money to God as a thank you for blessing us in so many ways. I can't predict the future. I don't know what direction his attitude will be with finances, super saver or major spender, because of the experiences he's having now. Also, how will this translate in his relationships with women..will he choose gold diggers to prove himself "manly" and worthy or independent women who feel a need to prove themselves? Of course, i'm a worried mother who is doing the "overreaction" thing. *plz email my official mommy membership pkg* All of this comes from making a poor choice in who I picked to create life with..ignored what I was taught by my father and turned a blind eye to the subtle signs that I should've had a V-8 instead. I love my son more than life itself. I'm a work in progress for forgiving myself for the life I created for him as a child without one of his parents. *swinging my double edged sword* I wouldn't have my Nick if I didn't allow the lump under my rug to grow. You sweep, you learn and you move on.
Nowadays, I've taken a strong liking to hardwood floors and no area rugs in sight. Someone from my past didn't get the memo that my old self had taken up permanent residence at the beach. He approached me as if though "she" was still on the clock. I immediately notified him of the change in management. His delivery immediately shifted. Clarity is a beautiful thing...and so is a freshly waxed hardwood floor.Easier on your sinuses and easier to see your beautiful reflection for daily maintenance. When you come to visit, leave your shoes and your blues on the porch.
Respect the Sway

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Weak in the knees

I FINALLY used my birthday massage gift card today that I got back in March for my 40th this year. After the first 5 minutes, the therapist actually sounded like he was concerned about me "You really needed this". I'm convinced he gave me an upgraded pkg from what I was supposed to have. I was literally weak when he was done and it took me a minute to really get it together good enough to drive. I know when to say when with my drive and ambition, however when you are battling circumstances and the clock, how do you even begin to slow down? With BMW's (not the car) and responsibilities on my mind every second, I feel there is no room for a relax take it easy moment. I don't like that feeling. I hate the fact that nonprofits do some of the most influential work just like all service industry occupations and either can't afford to get therapeutic services like massages and other stress relieving strategies on a regular basis. Not just financially but having the time to do it. I can't help to think about teachers in Chicago. Being a former teacher, I'm so proud of them for standing up for what they and every teacher in this country deserves. Fair pay and respect. I can't count the number of times I've seen someone say teachers should stop whining because we have summers off. Well if that break is not as much of a mental health leave of absence, then why do parents rejoice at the very thought of summer vacation (just 2 months) being over? I mean good grief even commercials show parents' bliss! *insert commercial of father free gliding on shopping cart full of school supplies as "It's the most wonderful time of the year" plays in the background* and these are just THEIR kids!
I pray that one day this country sees the value of our teachers beyond  teacher appreciation week and that week is special only if you're lucky enough to have a working PTA smh There's just something about getting pencils as a teacher appreciation gift. **crickets** True story.
It shouldn't take a strike to get the attention of others. I am just sitting here picturing the domino teacher..nowhere for kids to go..parent in a state of chaos..local businesses minus employees to operate said loses profit and productivity. Conclusion: Not respecting teachers can lead to this country being brought to it's knees. Dramatic? Maybe...or maybe not... You know what's really ironic? That massage gift card came from 2 of my former students back during the 2009 school year. Thank you Kelly and Wendy for making my career as a public school teacher a very fond memory.
Respect the Sway...and the teachers!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Lord giveth...

Even when He taketh away. How many times have we experienced a loss that taught us a lesson that made us a better person? I woke up this morning grateful for another day but noticeably kind of sad. I knew why and you'll have to wait for my book to find out, but I looked at the date and felt a little emptier. This was definitely going to be a day to sit still and stay inside. *sigh*
No greater loss has been experienced by this country in recent times like the events of 9/11. I remember that day vividly as I'm sure we all do. I was in Gastonia, NC on the first day of medical leave from from teaching job. It was some of the best sleep I could remember having and then I turned on the tv and was shocked to my core. I recall going to the grocery store and stocking up on food and calling loved ones to say I love you. I even called a former boyfriend who we were on the splits and silent treatment and we told each other we loved the other. Unfortunate that it sometimes  takes tragedy to be civil towards others. Thank God for growth.
Today so many showed their tributes in the form of pictures, poems, cards, etc. On Facebook a very dear friend and fellow entrepreneur posted that she was doing an act of kindness (Krispy Kreme doughnuts mmmm) for her local fire dept and I was inspired to do the same. She told me I need not even think about doughnuts and to whip up what she has named Lemon Cupcrack! Lol yes its just that good! I said she was right and that surely I could crank out a cake for those who would put their life on the line to save me if I for some reason forgot how to cook and set the kitchen on fire.
It was indeed an honor to do it and I actually got blessed unexpectedly in the process!
Here's the link for the Talk to Me Tuesday video I will always cherish.

The Lord giveth. In tragedy and in triumph, the Lord giveth. Period.
Respect the Sway!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Its a small world after all!

Not really talking about the degrees of separation here. Do you see what i see in the picture? I see being cooperative, humble, active, protective and determined! Don't see it? Look's a smooth flowing trail of ants! Come on somebody! I know you get how I see all of that, right? *waiting for just one head nod*
Cooperative- there is a master plan that every ant is following. Even if some stray from the trail, they are still going in the same direction! Translation: Everyone's got a point of view and ideas based on their experiences. Don't be afraid to try others' suggestions and be open to variety as long as it doesn't pull you away from the vision and goal at hand.
Humble- I'm looking to see if there's an ant wearing a tiny MVP jersey *getting magnifying glass but then remembering it's a sunny day and that would just be mean* Not one of them are LOOKING for the spotlight ...each ant is doing its job to the best of it's ability because they know their value. If they don't do it, the rest have to work that much harder and that aint right..especially when they benefit from the fruits of the labor! Translation: Do your part we really need to break this down? Yeah i guess we do. There's no need for announcements of what you have accomplished unless you are giving ALL the glory to God. I mean He IS the proud sponsor of the whole shabang, right?
Active- as one of my TweetPeas Pentherapee says, I lalalala luv this word! Lol it means you are dodododoing ! These lil suckas are wasting no time *clocking some at record speeds* Can you get anymore focused and in the zone? The job at hand is getting done! No 3 hour meetings with novels as powerpoint presentations (thats a whole other blog smh) to discuss the "but's" and the "if only's". They strategized the "how" and are on the ACTION! Ok I'm gonna break this down just for the fun of it! Ready? Translation: Shuddup and make it happen! Lol
*attention shoppers we have a 2 for 1 special on protective and determined* Ever stepped in an ant pile? Yes yesss honey! They don't play that! Unh unh they will not be stopped and they will join forces to let you know you don't just come and disrupt their space or their business! Ok i refuse to translate this! We are the only creatures,  according to popular opinion, with intellect! Why don't we get it? Don't get me wrong...some of us do get it but good lawd! When some of us DON'T... EPIC FAIL! *deep sigh*
I still have high hopes for us all. (Can't talk about ants and not sing the song, people! ) I by no means am a saint. I do have a past. We all do. When does that past get to serve its purpose of making our world small like an ant's? Trivial things don't matter and things that matter aren't very trivial. Thats a downsize I'm learning to love more and more!
Respect the Sway!

Friday, September 7, 2012

BMW's don't always mean luxury!

Be sure to check your baggage...and i don't mean like the TSA. Today i witnessed a bitter woman acting out based on her bitterness. It was sad, infuriating, and hurtful. One thing I know for sure is I've really grown emotionally and spiritually. The old me would've really been very "vocal" while using bleep-worthy phrases with a rhythm that possessed an iambic pentameter poets envy. Smh
I understand some of the darkest moments in a person's life make them respond to things differently however a painful past experience is not a permit for being a mean person. Sorry but too many females are a prime example of this behavior. *getting ill at the thought of how many tv producers are using this as a foundation for their business plan*
I am so through with BMW's...Bitter Mad Women! So we'll make this short with a notice and a note
Notice:Baggage is meant for vacation. Check yours and keep it in its proper place and make sure it doesn't interfere with anyone else's space so they can have a pleasant journey. 

Note:Dear Old Self, 

Chile I am toooo proud of you and how you just have pretty much gone on permanent vacation! Now I know you stopped slurping your tropical adult beverage, sat up in your beach chair, lifted up your sun hat and looked over the top of your shades at me and the earlier situation, but you didn't akk a donkey! I know you got my back but God has our front back and sides so continue enjoying your vacay! You've earned it! I got this! 


New Self ;-)

Respect the Sway!  

Sunday, September 2, 2012

In the meantime...

Excuse me while i dust off my blog *plucking dust bunnies and cobwebs off the screen* I haven't written in a week seems like. It's been a let me change that's been a productive week. I have alot of ideas and the type of person i am, I put them into action. I'm visiting Charlotte, NC where I used to be a teacher for 50 billion years and it was a strange feeling coming back. I almost felt like i was moving backwards but after reconnecting with former coworkers, students, friends, and possibilities, I've officially labeled this as my "meantime". Yes i like to label and name gives it a purpose and purpose gives relevance to things. Relevance makes things matter. What I'm doing now, matters. I've had aha moments out the wazoo! Oprah would be so proud...speaking of my angel of a role model, i was watching Soul Sunday on OWN and she was interviewing a family that had experienced the loss of a child. The mother said something that made me literally stop in my tracks...not being held down by anything and having the freedom to move about as they pleased. Now don't misunderstand. This wasnt in reference to a child being a burden. Not at all. In fact, their child was a young adult. I understood it as their grieving showed them their lives were waiting on them to live it. That's what i realize and am learning from my "meantime". I can come and go as I so choose. No sick leave to worry about. No explaining why I can't stay in the confines of 4 walls for 8 hours. I do believe I've worked harder in the last 7 months than i have in the the last 3 years! And I LOVE it because it's for MY dream and the betterment of peoples' lives. God is so very good and I'm His #1 fan because NOBODY takes better care of you than He does!
I miss the hustle of Atlanta and the excitement of being surrounded by dream chaserschasers on a daily basis. Now I haven't moved! Lol my stuff is in storage in the I will be right back lol But in the "meantime", I've got dreams to build and turn into reality...lets just say I'm tending to my gardens filled with seeds Ive planted all over the place! I'm getting ready for my harvest.
Respect the sway!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Fan Friday!

I seriously enjoy networking and meeting people. That sounds so cliche but it's true. After so many follows and tweets and "likes", what do you do next? You move away from the keyboard and you go talk to people face to face! As convenient as social media is, I do believe there is a danger of losing that good ol' fashioned magic of conversation, really hearing the laugh out loud, and sharing energy. That's just my take on it. What do I know? *shoulder shrug* I'm on my way to a movie night with my son in Charlotte, NC and I'm sure I'll meet someone there to do another Fan Friday video. In the meantime, enjoy this video from yet another fellow tweeter! Who's next?
Respect the sway!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Talk to Me Tuesday

Live from Charlotte, NC! Yes we are on location in the Queen City getting some serious networking and brainstorming done! Decided to do a vlog today! Enjoy!
Respect the sway!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Standing up knocks you down

This has been a week! I shared with a few people my disdain for all the times i chose to stand up for whats right or to do better because it seemed like I kept ending up in a situation that was extremely negative and unbearable. My body was numb and so was my desire to lift another finger to help anyone other than myself. I wasn't myself...then the phone rang.
That was 4 days ago.
Now I'm sitting in a very positive loving environment with a feeling of so much gratitude for life and for the love of TRUE friends. Support during the darkest hours of your life is more valuable than a congratulations in the triumphs. This thought brings me back to why I was put on this earth. Standing up for what should be done is my calling. I am not perfect. I'm compassionate. Big difference. Have you ever been in a predicament and just wished you could be rescued by a good Samaritan? Sometimes just a little help is all we need to get through a really rough time AND sometimes being that help for others during THEIR storm helps you get through yours!
Tonight I rest knowing that a young man and his mother are experiencing extreme bliss as he begins his college career and a bright, intelligent, loving, ambitious young lady has safe shelter and a chance to rebuild her life and her dreams after losing EVERYTHING in a fire. This work will drain you physically but overwhelm you with so much joy that it knocks you down!
God is amazing!

Respect the sway!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


On MLK weekend of this year, I came across a situation where we needed to help a young man out who was pursuing his education but needed help. I immediately joined in the fight when I heard he was giving up his meal plan in order to bring down his tuition costs. Please think about that for a second. He was giving up a basic necessity for his education!
In less than 24 hours, we raised the money he needed!
Here it is 7 months later and we have another situation with another young man in the Atlanta area. Please view the video below and do what you can..I am so sincere when I say, I don't care if it's a dime! Please give. If you need documentation that this is no scam, please visit and send me an email. I will provide proof from the scholarship and recruitment officer who shared this info with me. Thank you in advance for anything you can do.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Oh my!

Its been a few days since we last spoke and so much has happened. You got a minute? ya hips.
Ok so today was literally Move Something Monday! Ive been packing up our apt as we've come to the end of our lease. I just finished almost 3 this morning and then picked my son up from my cousin at 6:45 for his first day of 1st grade! He had a WONDERFUL day * insert teacher with classroom mgmt skills here* Remember what i said on "One bad apple"? Reflect, people! He did say something that broke my heart though...he was upset at himself for having so many "bad" days in kindergarten. I know my son is far from an angel but he's not a lil heathen either. Unfortunately, one teacher's lack of redirection and patience oh and lack of an assistant with over 20 5 yr olds has put a belief in my son's mind that somehow he has failed. I had to fix that with the quickness! We are ok now. He was trying to resist 1st grade but at the end, he said it wasnt so bad...but he's "definitely not doing 2nd grade " Smh. Whateva!
In other news, I ran the streets getting enlightened on how the "system" works or really doesn't. The slippery slope of being dependent or being in need. Let that soak in for a moment. *elevator music*
I'm a believer of going for the gold!! Believe it or not I'm happy .I'm chasing my dream!!!..I'm aiming for happier...and newsflash...roller coaster & stress ends when u die so if I'm gonna go up & down and experience stress,  i'd rather it be because I'm working towards a goal. I choose this stress over the stress i was experiencing on a job because someone was inflicting it on me! Count  it all joy!
Respect the sway!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Yeah thats when your day has been a cross-section of everything that can go right then wrong then so right again. I have been tested in the areas of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stamina all in the matter of 24 hours.
I tell you one thing, I'm no quitter. I may be emotional and wear my heart on my sleeve but I'm a FIGHTER. One day when this is all over and I'm not on a sleeping bag in the middle of the floor, I'll tell you the ins and outs of my adventures. I'm sure you'll find it an interesting story.
Until that time, I just wanted to share something with you. I don't know what is in store for me in my career or personal life but if the ups and downs I'm experiencing are any indication of the blessings that I'm being prepared for,  WATCH OUT! I'm going to be something even more amazing!
To anyone feeling down for whatever reason, hang in there! STAY IN THE GAME! NO MATTER WHAT THE SCORE BOARD SAYS! There's nothing wrong with sitting on the bench from time to time. Just don't leave the gym!
Respect the sway!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

And the award goes to...

You won't be able to buy this in stores or visit a website. Its not a new product or idea been around for years but remarkably still so rare.
This week's Hootie Hoo Hump day is celebrating people who truthfully give of themselves in order to help others. Not because of what they may get in return but because it's the right thing to do. Individuals, honest non-profits, next door neighbors, people who "get it". I normally would record but my red eyes wouldn't be too video friendly. Yeah I've been crying Smh *sigh*
Ok remember that I'm no victim and I don't put that kinda energy out there. I never know who is reading and I'd rather be a testament to staying in the game vs being spread eagle in the floor snottin' and sniveling like all hope is gone. I'm just exhausted. The magnitude of all that I have on my shoulders got the best of me this week. It's a rough time 'round these parts.
So back to the point...what can this world look forward to if everything must have a return? Yet we continue to post such profound statuses and pictures and tweets about empowerment and improvement while being silent everytime the opportunity to improve a situation arises. How do we really get there if our eyes are fixed on a selfish prize? I am NOT against being financially blessed. I just detest selfishness. I don't even think selfish people realize they're selfish. What's even worse is the greed that tends to tagalong.
I won't bore you with the typical "We are the world" speech. I just want to point out that we ALL are only footsteps away from being homeless and poverty stricken and God forbid it happens.  Unfortunately its a scenario many have to consider ...even with a college degree. Its just so sad when giving and working together is the very thing that allowed races to survive bondage. Do we have to be put in such extreme conditions again to realize that strategy works in good times as well?
This Hootie Hoo Hump Day is dedicated to all who give in order to strengthen those who are momentarily weak and that in itself IS the prize!
Respect the sway!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Shut the front door!

Yeah that can be interpreted several ways. Today's trivia : Am I polite cussing, conserving energy, or shutting someone out? Read further and decide for yourself.
Last night was the first time I left my mother speechless on a phone call. Usually we can go for hours. Last night was very different. *cue the "special episode" music they play on tv* This phone call was a vent that left both of us numb. Being a single parent has its challenges...add characteristics of a strong willed, very verbal little boy and you've got a whole new set of items on your plate. I hear all the chatter coming from you, "I wouldn't let no kid boss me around." I agree and I don't. This brings me to today's excitement.
This morning he peeks his head into my bedroom door and asks if he can go outside. I'm elated and say yes before he can say the question mark in his request! I need my peace and quiet...sue me. I continue packing up our apartment and notice that now its been a while since he's been out. I do the check through the Nick. I walk outside...nada. Ok stay calm. I go over what I know he's wearing while i walk up to the main office to see if he's there since he knows them and will grab an apple every now and then. No sign of him. Now I start to analyze everything and the biggest red flag is he only peeks his head in. Since when in the creation of bedroom doors did a child stop at the threshold?? He ALWAYS comes all the way in. I look for the laptop he uses and its gone. A lightbulb goes off and i grab my keys leaving the doors unlocked just in case my hunch is wrong and it doesn't turn into a wild goose chase because he can't get in. *conserving energy*
I drive around the corner to the coffee shop we usually walk to that has wifi. I walk inside and this man child is sitting at a table playing Club Penguin on the laptop. Oh and he is sipping on a free cup of ice water. Chillin'. My son is 6. *insert polite cussin' here*
We go through our parent child routine. It's time to go. I observe him as he packs up his belongings. Wrapping cords, shutting down, trash check. Like a pro! I see myself. This is what he has seen me do for the past 3 months ever since I cut off our mobile broadband to save money. It dawns on me this child has seen me make a way out of no way since he came into this world. He did what he knew. I also realized this aint no baby anymore. I have to loosen the apron he's only 6 so its just going from a double knot to a knot.5. This parenting thing is beyond me but I must admit I handled my Inspector Gadget mission very nicely. Sheesh! He is swifter than most kids his age and I get asked all the time how old he is because of how he speaks. I've gotta step my game up even more when it comes to him. Good-bye simple cartoons and coloring books. Hello sketch pads and science projects. *shutting out stage 1 motherhood *
So did you answer all 3 for today's trivia? Here's one last trivia question for ya?
Did he get in trouble?
You can bet your mocha latte he did! Y'all pray for us!
Respect the sway!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Writer's block

I've started and erased 3 blog entries for tonight. Why? Life. I don't want to project all that is going on with me into the might cause someone at their breaking point to actually break and thats no good for anyone. I do however want my blogs to be relevant for readers. I believe that when you are going through something, more times than not another person is as well. I want to be an encouragement. So with that being said, i gracefully decline tonight. Then again, the realist in me is shouting "You better say SOMETHING! " She is such a heffa smh
People I am not liking my ambition right now. I'm stubborn and won't stop until Ive exhausted all possibilities ....and I'm there...EXHAUSTED. It's taking alot of strength to even type this right now. So what do I have to say? Umm lets start with Gabby Douglas...the amount of self hatred a race has was made international news Smh Gabby got Kanye'd by her own people. Hate it or love it, that's what happened. What should've been a glorious moment was tarnished.
This shows the dysfunction that exists but people refuse to address. And speaking of dysfunction, WHY and WHO came up with these reality shows that celebrates it? Seriously how is this even on an agenda in a boardroom??? I have better ideas on my sticky notes! Smh
I have some reality that you can record and televise! Ambition, struggle, faith, creativity, vision, tenacity,courage. How about those?  Will it get ratings? By the looks of things, the whole show would end up on the editing floor.
See, I told that ol' realist heffa i didn't need to write...I'm too frustrated with all the tomfoolery going on. I wish writer's block was contagious...I'd sneeze on a few people.
Respect the sway!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

One bad apple

Tomorrow school starts and its the first time in 14 yrs I'm not welcoming new students to my class. Bittersweet because I'm working on my own career of managing a nonprofit as well as a motivational speaker for youth. But the bitter is more like sour because I know of some "teachers" who are setting foot back in the classroom simply for the paycheck. So as to not upset myself too much more, I'm going to put this quite simply for those of you who may think getting your child ready for school is just getting supplies and new clothes.
1. Make your expectations clear to your child AND to the teacher.
2. Get a WRITTEN weekly report which can be email. If you are on FB, you've got an email and Im willing to bet that it comes right to your phone.
3. Schedule your surprise visits privately for the first 2 months. You get different service when slackers see you have your stuff together. Avoid Mondays and Fridays...too obvious. Sad but true.
This just to get you started. Unfortunately, bad teachers make the whole school year look gloomy but establishing very early that you are one of THOSE parents pays off with your high standards being known by the entire school. Trust me...there's nothing wrong with them knowing your name like they already know the days school is out.
I know this isnt your typical feel-good back to achool post but it's the ugly truth. Best wishes to the REAL teachers who teach students and not content. I'll be back to check on ya throughout the school year. Its my turn to play on Words with Friends against a former student I had his 7th grade yr...back in1998. I'm honored to be losing by 10 :-)
Respect the sway!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Run away!

My legs are throbbing! And it feels soooo good... Today my son and I went to Piedmont Park and ran...ok nothing special about that..let me give you the proper intro...Picture it..Sicily..2012 lol I miss Golden Girls.
Anywho, last night was a very uncomfortable irritable evening and I know it's because of all the things I'm facing right now. I'll spare you the details because I don't believe in sending out invitations to a pity party. Womp Womp! Let's just say as head of household, I have alot on my proverbial plate. Well, after walking in circles in our apartment, I just have to walk..My son says noooo don't go. I reassure him I'm just walking down the hall and coming right back. He looks at me and I say come on. We walk to the front of the complex and I'm not satisfied. We keep going and end up at the Publix on the other side of the gate. Next thing I know, Nick says it would be a great idea to jog.
*spotlight on me and the audience is on the edge of their seats* I begin to lightly jog. He says something that stuns me for a 6 yr old. "I know it hurts but you've gotta keep going. You can do it! You'll be stronger!" *tear* We run all the way back to the apartment.
He gives me a hug and I just break down crying. My son is a little angel right now. Not the angel that most parents compare to not doing anything wrong. No he's an actual angel that gave me the comfort I needed to get through a small moment in time when I felt defeated. Most tragic events are sparked by those small moments when people feel hopeless and there's no one to talk to who can relate or even understand without being judgemental. He at his young stage doesn't even realize what he has just done. Now mind you, I haven't run in so long! I slept so hard LOL!
Well this morning he says ok are you ready to go running? OMG! I have a live in trainer!!! *passed out* That is how we ended up at Piedmont Park...and i LOVED it. We raced. We ran. He played with kids on the playground while I had some time to talk to God on the know "Lord help me make it back to the other side of the track!" lol but also to give Him thanks for my life and the strength that I've had to get through the rough patches already conquered thus far. I did throw in a few requests since I had His attention :-)
I ran away from my thoughts of what if and arrived at my "right now". This is where I'm supposed to be. I dedicate this blog to a young mother we met at Atlantic Station yesterday who was throwing a football with her teenage son and tackling like a pro. She had so much energy (what I was lacking at the moment) and played with Nick while I sat still for a minute. Thank you for being my substitute while I sat on the bench. I'm back in the game!

Respect the sway!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hootie Hoo Hump Day!

HOOTIE HOOOO!! Yup that's the call when you want to get someone's attention in my hometown. Now normally it's for when you're in trouble but since we focus on only the positive, we've flipped it! Yes we have the papers to prove it **digging through my old purse to find those papers** Anywho, today we want to give a shout out to 2 people!

First we have Kita Bryant...Editor in Chief (did I get that title right? yikes!) of Kokoa Magazine! Today was the official launch of her online magazine and it's something that she's been putting off for so long but finally said enough is enough and did the doggone thing! Check her out at!

Finally is Uncle Albert...he's got this sauce...woooooo weeeee!!! Let me just give you the video link so you can see for yourself...oh yeah and there's a giveaway!! Woot Woot!

Have a great rest of the week yall!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012!! Thanks Copy Kids!

I truly despised meal time with my kindergarten son. If you are a foodie and have children who think chicken nuggets and blueberry muffins are fine dining, you know my frustration is real! Not to mention I LOVE to cook and am quite good at it. Not eating my food is like worse than Chef Ramsey's hollering on Hell's Kitchen! Ughh!

My son Nick is the pickiest child I've had the pleasure of meeting in my life. He won't even try anything and will go hungry before he does. Omg are u serious? So whats a mother to do? He can't starve but he can't bully me into buying junk either. I'very tried EVERYTHING! Now to be fair, he loves pineapples, strawberries, an occasional grape and will munch on 3green beans but ummm that's not enough! I need superheros to help me out like Popeye used to do with spinach!

Wait! Look! Up in the sky! Its a bird, its a that a DVD with kids eating bell peppers? Why yes it is! I came across this just scrolling through some ads and I was intrigued...ok and desperate. Sue me. Anywho, I contacted them and got the DVD in a matter of 2 days all the way from California! Good job, Mr.Postman! ;-)

As soon as i opened the package, Nick was excited and felt like he had gotten mail because he saw other kids on the cover. I let him open it so he had a sense of ownership. Now understand my son is extremely, how should i say, "confident" (code for stubborn). He has an opinion on everything and voices it. Can't imagine where he got that from :-) I honestly expect him to watch for 2 minutes and then wander off to draw or play. He turns it on and just like that he is attentive. He sees other kids sitting at a table being their naturally silly selves AND eating raw bell peppers like its candy! He starts giggling. I decide to take advantage of the joy and said, "You wanna try a bell pepper?" He looks up at me and says ok. *insert jaw drop here* You have got to be kidding me! Mr. I don't eat anything that doesn't come with a toy just agreed to eat a vegetable? I feel faint.

The video suggests that you have the food thats on the video on hand but like i said I'm a single mom and just buying food is not going to happen. While watching the different food "chapters" Nick begins to make his menu for the week..bell peppers tomorrow, raspberries the next day, and carrots the next. I am STUNNED! A video of kids giggling, making funny faces, and enjoying healthy raw fruits and veggies just ended my troubles? Ok we will see! *jealous tone*

Fast forward. We have the bell pepper. He takes a deep breath...and he bites into it...and chews...I close one eye...he swallows! My eye pops back open along with my mouth! He takes another bite! What???  

That's not even the best part! The next day he eats without argument a plate of sauteed spinach, squash and zucchini! *confetti*

Listen, this dvd has eased and "FUN-erized" the conversation about eating healthy! I'm no expert but I know that the "eat your veggies because I'm your mama and I say so" hasn't worked in ages! Copy-Kids has the answer! Recording kids being themselves, funny faces and all, eating healthy raw fruits and veggies! No sugary cutesy plates ya gotta buy...just good ol' simple produce!

Copy-Kids has won several awards and recognition (rightfully so!) including the one that matters most to me...other PARENTS agree! 

 They've been added to the Education and Training materials database for preK nutrition by the USDA! I've got my opinions about the things that are USDA approved, but they got this one RIGHT!

I must share this joy with caregivers around the globe! So I'm going to do a giveaway courtesy of! In order to win, you must subscribe to my Youtube channel "iamhips4love" and comment on and share the video of my son actually eating the bell pepper. Ok I have no way of knowing if you shared the video but the Veggie Fairies do and if you don't share it, your child will turn into a junk food militant at the stroke of midnight! LOL! Extreme? Ok I just need you to share it so other caregivers can get some relief and our kids can have a fighting chance against the childhood obesity epidemic in our country! I shared with you so pay it forward! Please and thank you! Sharing is caring! :-) I'm so excited about Nick biting into the bell pepper like the guy on Iron Chef! Lol!

Smooches will be up tonight

PPS..YOU CAN WIN A COPY FROM COPY-KIDS.COM!! Just leave a comment below and on the video for a chance to win. I pick a random comment as the winner in 2 days!! I forward your mailing address to them, and THEY send you the dvd! Post a pic of you with your copy so I know you got it! :-)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hot Stuff

Had the pleasure of being roasted like some peanuts out in the heat yesterday BUT for a very good cause! I drove to North Atlanta (I think that's where I was) for a Back to School Jamboree held by Here 2 Help, Inc. Don't ya love the name? It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling that the calvary is on the way! The special thing about this organization is that is a group run by men (bonus! Lol) that simply gets things done! No rocket recreation of the round object known as the wheel, just good ol' roll your sleeves up and do some work! *CONFETTI* I LOVE IT!

I had so much fun just chit chatting and hearing the passion behind the project...oh and vlogging! Yeeessss I'm addictedddd! Lol YouTube channel ""!!! Who knew i had a little Connie Chung in me? So many people have a story and I'm nosey so why not? Anywho, you could see everyone was on the same vibe of helping kids get ready for the school year. Volunteers galore! Young and old! Bouncy castles, popcorn, dance teams, hot dogs, music, dancing, games, community, goals, gratitude, teamwork, joy....what a great way to spend the afternoon! Even the gnats enjoyed themselves! :-) You can best believe Geechie Gurl Inc. will be grabbing on to H2H Inc.'s leg and joining every effort, cause, project that we possibly can!

Back to the you understand how sexy it is to see men organize COMMUNITY SERVICE EVENTS? *fanning myself* yes yeesssss honey! This was such a treat for me on so many levels *giggle* Don't judge me...or you I'll post the video in a few!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Fan Friday!

"I always feel like...somebody's waaaatching meeeee!" Yes I will follow you and find out where you are! lol #NoPsycho That's because I believe in networking truthfully!! "Likes" and "follows" only get you so far! I think some people have really lost sight of that. If you have a gazillion friends, fans, and followers (and I'm not mad if you do..send some of em my way), tell me how do you engage them in meaningful conversation that benefits the both of you? *jeapordy music*
I'm not saying you HAVE TO...I'm just saying every once in a while.....

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

Wanna know a secret? It's really Friday night...Shhh... Yes I know I know...such a misleading post so early in our relationship! See what had happened was I had the perfect blog ready and when I went to my website, I COULDN'T GET IN!! **sirens and flashing lights* Are you serious? Do you know how many people DEPEND on me to post a blog?? Ok so it's only 2 people! Whatever! This is serious business here! I have thoughts that need to be documented so others may find all of life's answers!! *crickets and tumbleweed* Yall are a tough crowd! smh

Anywho on Thursday, I got a copy of a magazine that had Steve Harvey on the cover. I flipped through it starting from the last page. Yes I like to get to the point lol. Now I will admit there are some things that Mr. Harvey says that I don't agree with as any strong willed outspoken person with an opinion might admit. But the story he tells (and shows) of perservering and buidling a legacy is to be applauded and modeled. He turned down a very nice compensated offer for a radio show to pursue his own! You may have heard of it..The Steve Harvey Morning Show? Ring a bell?

I read through the article and it was pretty much the usual motivational info...get rid of dreamkillers, have a work ethic that is golden, etc etc. What I didn't know was that on the last day he worked his job, he gave his supervisor a business card that had his name and the job title "comedian" on it. He made that card and established what he was going to do specifically. He said he was ridiculed by that same supervisor. Why do people do that???? Why do people feel the need to inject others with their own personal doubt, fear, complacency?? UGGGH!! I hate that! Well he goes on to say that at one point he was sleeping in his car ( another unknown fact) but that one opportunity to tour around the country selling out venues with the Kings of Comedy obviously changed all of that! When he went on stage at a different show to introduce someone who was like a protege, I guess, he pulled out that modest business card and had a moment on stage. How overwhelming it is to look at a symbol of where it all began and be reminded of all that you have put into buidling your legacy? The sleepless nights, the missed meals, the disconnect notices followed by disconnections, the loss of "friends" due to clarity and revelations, the wardrobe changes in the car and gas stations, rolling quarters to put enough gas in that car to get to that function, sitting in your car to use a coffee shop's wi-fi after hours so you can upload and update. Man. *getting a lil emotional right now*

This is my thought. Keep making those payments on that big dream of yours. You stop payment and you lose what you've already invested. Investments are built to pay off at the RIGHT time so hang in there (talking to myself but feel free to be nosey)  I don't know about you, but I'm not in any position to just throw away my time, energy, money, and passion like that. Deposit made.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hootie Hoo Hump Day

Yes! It's the middle of the week and what's better than a Hootie Hoo on a Hump Day??
Wait a minute..what do you mean what is a hootie hoo? Watch and learn...
So next week we'll see you with our first Hootie Hoo...ok I'm might see it sooner. Ok ok I"m lying again. I get so excited that I just wanna do everything all at once. I PROMISE I will wait until each Hump Day to do a Hootie Hoo! *Disclaimer: I might be lying again..I'm just sayin*

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Talk to Me Tuesday

Today was sooooo literally..I had a jacket on. lol The a/c was on full blast in my apartment as I pack up to move on to other things in Atl. Georgia Power I'm sure will be pleased! Oh well, at least I get to sport my favorite leather jacket a little longer..the simple pleasures. Ahhh. This jacket always gets attention when I wear it. For one, it's white. Not too many of those sighted on a daily basis. Then it has this humongous pair of lips painted alllll over the front of it....then on the back is a gorgeous painting of my favorite motivator...Gigi! This was a birthday gift to me from a young artist by the name SOSI...he is talented beyond measure and I couldn't imagine his work not being in an art gallery or on every wall in every structure on this planet. He has a gift. The first time I met him was at a coffee shop and his aunt brought him to meet me. He was very shy and quiet and had a bag with a few of his pieces in it. I was instantly impressed...THEN he takes out a shirt..and he has Gigi painted on the front. When I turn it over, it's the back of Gigi and there's a story handwritten in paint in her hair! When I read it, it brought me to tears. This young man had written words that described what I had been going through for months and pretty much gave me the comfort I needed to keep pushing forward! Oh my sinuses were all messed up! lol I had to let him know I wasn't crazy first of all...I think I caught him off guard. I'm a very sentimental and sensitive person so when the 2 of those things cross, OH! Flood

Needless to say I network with him for different things and also guide him with some business tips I learned along the way. I don't mind doing either because he wants to fulfill his dream of doing his art. So many times we tend to be our worst dream killer...why? Self mutilation is not sexy at all. Who has told us this lie that being smart or adventurous or different was not the way to be? Show me this troublemaker so I can pluck them square in betwixt da eyes! Ugh!

I had the opportunity to share another one of MY dreams with 2 people ..1 who I've known almost 2 yrs, the other a little over 2 months. These people have been the saving grace for my drive more times than most people who've been taking up space and oxygen in my life for YEARS! Not only have they encouraged me, but they've shown me their support. Word of mouth, time, energy, skill...these are resources that far outweigh the dollar bill. These are the things that help make a way out of no way! This dream that I shared has been on my mind since 1991...even drew out a plan for it...then I stopped feeding it. Why? Distractions. Doubt. Excuses. Life. I learned tonight that when you share a dream with someone you trust, it holds you accountable. Very different from the "create in silence" rule...when you know folks support you 110% and they invest themselves (not just a monetary thing) in your projects, it's ok. They've shown you what they're working with and that trust is good. Dust off that old notebook you doodled plans in..uncrumple that napkin you did a quick sketch on...find that cassette tape you sang a few bars on (hurry and get that transferred to cd please and thank you smh..need u to do better but babysteps so I'll back off lol). Get out of your own way and just go for it, maaaannnnn!!! Seriously! They've got DVR now so you won't have to miss your favorite It's your turn to show YOU what you're workin' with!

Let me know what happens! *sittin back in recliner waiting*

Monday, July 23, 2012

Move Somethin' Monday

So this is what blogging is, huh? Just tapping away on the keys about what is stirring in your lil heart about things that matter most to you and either someone cares or they don't. Hmm interesting. And some folks get paid and famous for this? Wow! I've got internet access (or free WIFI from a parking lot). I've got a QWERTY keyboard. And believe you me, I've got ALOT to say! I mean everybody's got an opinion, right? Some of them quite frankly are based on minimal experience or knowledge, but by golly you are granted an opinion. This makes for lovely brunches, glorious teas, and phenomenal panel discussions! What would this world be without opinions? Gotta love em! So on this Move Something Monday, which I do the ACTION of getting donated items to their rightful places through my nonprofit, Geechie Gurl, Inc. (shameless plug), I proudly announce my blog! *crickets and tumbleweed* What? No applause? Okey dokey..that's your opinion. I'm UBER excited! (I like using that word cuz it seems to up the EXCITEMENT factor) My opinion...and isn't that what a blog is all about? I've seen opinions set people free, end lives, end relationships, start new businesses, destroy families, boost careers, you name it, I'ves seen it. Such a powerful lil thing for something most people claim is an optional piece of information.

My opinion on opinions is that it's a steroid, undercover word for "feelings". Steroid because of its ability to elude from the truth but appear as truth..weird, right? Undercover because for some reason in some secret meeting, a group of geniuses declared that "feelings" were the sure 'nuff sign of weakness and not thinking clearly. Think about it...if someone says that you hurt their feelings, you subconsciously (bullies consciously) label that person as weak and not able to handle criticism or let's just be honest here, abuse. Yeah I said it, abuse. No one can tell me that there's not a way to tastefully address an issue with another person without trying to make them crack or pound their self esteem to a pulp. Who made you judge and jury? Last time I checked, we all have free will to stay in or leave a situation. What does that have to do with the other person? If they are not what you choose to be around, get your hat, your coat, and leave! You FELT that it was your right to point out why they are not up to par, but yet you decide to stay and make it known they are just not good enough but disguise the abuse with that big ol bullet proof word..opinion. (disguising a personal vent..can ya tell?) I think people should be limited to the # of opinions they are allowed to give based on the # of things they are doing in their life to improve situations of themselves AND others...not one or the other..BOTH. Think about it, if you are going to give an opinion, in the same breath, give a solution and a plan of action. Sheesh. Obviously, your thoughts are just so important that you have to tweet about it, update your status, create a chain text, make a tshirt saying use that same genius to solve all of the world's problems. Too much? Insane? Well then limit your opinions. (code for Shut up already!)

Now to be fair, I will say constructive criticism is the bee's knees because it states what the issue is, then immediately shares tips on how to remedy or improve that issue. Genius! That's the kind of opinion that is based on experience and knowledge that is being paid forward so that the next person can do better themselves. Again...Genius! What a concept! Actually, being a part of the solution instead of a window sill resident. Oh come on you know what a window sill resident is...remember that old lady that didn't have anything to do except sit in the window and look at others live their life and point out every frikkin thing they believe is being done absolutely incorrect then proceed to diagnose where that person went wrong in their life...all in the privacy of their own little box...uhh I mean window sill. Not being productive in their own life but now the resident expert on everyone else. Ha! Now you may be saying to yourself..what the hell is she (yes I'm a girl) saying? I'm giving you my opinion. Isn't this what the American Dream is made of? Give your opinion about what you think should be important, say it with some designer shoes on, and BOOM! POW! SHAZAM! Instant celebrity! Right? **looking at my drug store clearance flip flops I'm wearing while typing** Guess I screwed that up. Womp womp!Well, I guess I'll just have to break into some well connected clique and throw a fabulous party where only certain people deemed fabulous enough (according to popular opinion, of course) to enter, then I'll be on my way to that deluxe apartment in the sky! I hope I didn't let my friend Kita down already! Thanks for the advice and tips...and you thought this mentor thing was a one way street? HA! I gives back, honey chile! lol Until the next time, I'll see where the chips will fall with this blogging thing. I've already gotten a few products that people WANT my honest opinion about. Wowwww! That was quick! lol I see great postings ahead...but that's just my opinion. Smooches and as always... Respect the sway!