Monday, July 23, 2012

Move Somethin' Monday

So this is what blogging is, huh? Just tapping away on the keys about what is stirring in your lil heart about things that matter most to you and either someone cares or they don't. Hmm interesting. And some folks get paid and famous for this? Wow! I've got internet access (or free WIFI from a parking lot). I've got a QWERTY keyboard. And believe you me, I've got ALOT to say! I mean everybody's got an opinion, right? Some of them quite frankly are based on minimal experience or knowledge, but by golly you are granted an opinion. This makes for lovely brunches, glorious teas, and phenomenal panel discussions! What would this world be without opinions? Gotta love em! So on this Move Something Monday, which I do the ACTION of getting donated items to their rightful places through my nonprofit, Geechie Gurl, Inc. (shameless plug), I proudly announce my blog! *crickets and tumbleweed* What? No applause? Okey dokey..that's your opinion. I'm UBER excited! (I like using that word cuz it seems to up the EXCITEMENT factor) My opinion...and isn't that what a blog is all about? I've seen opinions set people free, end lives, end relationships, start new businesses, destroy families, boost careers, you name it, I'ves seen it. Such a powerful lil thing for something most people claim is an optional piece of information.

My opinion on opinions is that it's a steroid, undercover word for "feelings". Steroid because of its ability to elude from the truth but appear as truth..weird, right? Undercover because for some reason in some secret meeting, a group of geniuses declared that "feelings" were the sure 'nuff sign of weakness and not thinking clearly. Think about it...if someone says that you hurt their feelings, you subconsciously (bullies consciously) label that person as weak and not able to handle criticism or let's just be honest here, abuse. Yeah I said it, abuse. No one can tell me that there's not a way to tastefully address an issue with another person without trying to make them crack or pound their self esteem to a pulp. Who made you judge and jury? Last time I checked, we all have free will to stay in or leave a situation. What does that have to do with the other person? If they are not what you choose to be around, get your hat, your coat, and leave! You FELT that it was your right to point out why they are not up to par, but yet you decide to stay and make it known they are just not good enough but disguise the abuse with that big ol bullet proof word..opinion. (disguising a personal vent..can ya tell?) I think people should be limited to the # of opinions they are allowed to give based on the # of things they are doing in their life to improve situations of themselves AND others...not one or the other..BOTH. Think about it, if you are going to give an opinion, in the same breath, give a solution and a plan of action. Sheesh. Obviously, your thoughts are just so important that you have to tweet about it, update your status, create a chain text, make a tshirt saying use that same genius to solve all of the world's problems. Too much? Insane? Well then limit your opinions. (code for Shut up already!)

Now to be fair, I will say constructive criticism is the bee's knees because it states what the issue is, then immediately shares tips on how to remedy or improve that issue. Genius! That's the kind of opinion that is based on experience and knowledge that is being paid forward so that the next person can do better themselves. Again...Genius! What a concept! Actually, being a part of the solution instead of a window sill resident. Oh come on you know what a window sill resident is...remember that old lady that didn't have anything to do except sit in the window and look at others live their life and point out every frikkin thing they believe is being done absolutely incorrect then proceed to diagnose where that person went wrong in their life...all in the privacy of their own little box...uhh I mean window sill. Not being productive in their own life but now the resident expert on everyone else. Ha! Now you may be saying to yourself..what the hell is she (yes I'm a girl) saying? I'm giving you my opinion. Isn't this what the American Dream is made of? Give your opinion about what you think should be important, say it with some designer shoes on, and BOOM! POW! SHAZAM! Instant celebrity! Right? **looking at my drug store clearance flip flops I'm wearing while typing** Guess I screwed that up. Womp womp!Well, I guess I'll just have to break into some well connected clique and throw a fabulous party where only certain people deemed fabulous enough (according to popular opinion, of course) to enter, then I'll be on my way to that deluxe apartment in the sky! I hope I didn't let my friend Kita down already! Thanks for the advice and tips...and you thought this mentor thing was a one way street? HA! I gives back, honey chile! lol Until the next time, I'll see where the chips will fall with this blogging thing. I've already gotten a few products that people WANT my honest opinion about. Wowwww! That was quick! lol I see great postings ahead...but that's just my opinion. Smooches and as always... Respect the sway!

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