Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Shut the front door!

Yeah that can be interpreted several ways. Today's trivia : Am I polite cussing, conserving energy, or shutting someone out? Read further and decide for yourself.
Last night was the first time I left my mother speechless on a phone call. Usually we can go for hours. Last night was very different. *cue the "special episode" music they play on tv* This phone call was a vent that left both of us numb. Being a single parent has its challenges...add characteristics of a strong willed, very verbal little boy and you've got a whole new set of items on your plate. I hear all the chatter coming from you, "I wouldn't let no kid boss me around." I agree and I don't. This brings me to today's excitement.
This morning he peeks his head into my bedroom door and asks if he can go outside. I'm elated and say yes before he can say the question mark in his request! I need my peace and quiet...sue me. I continue packing up our apartment and notice that now its been a while since he's been out. I do the check through the blinds...no Nick. I walk outside...nada. Ok stay calm. I go over what I know he's wearing while i walk up to the main office to see if he's there since he knows them and will grab an apple every now and then. No sign of him. Now I start to analyze everything and the biggest red flag is he only peeks his head in. Since when in the creation of bedroom doors did a child stop at the threshold?? He ALWAYS comes all the way in. I look for the laptop he uses and its gone. A lightbulb goes off and i grab my keys leaving the doors unlocked just in case my hunch is wrong and it doesn't turn into a wild goose chase because he can't get in. *conserving energy*
I drive around the corner to the coffee shop we usually walk to that has wifi. I walk inside and this man child is sitting at a table playing Club Penguin on the laptop. Oh and he is sipping on a free cup of ice water. Chillin'. My son is 6. *insert polite cussin' here*
We go through our parent child routine. It's time to go. I observe him as he packs up his belongings. Wrapping cords, shutting down, trash check. Like a pro! I see myself. This is what he has seen me do for the past 3 months ever since I cut off our mobile broadband to save money. It dawns on me this child has seen me make a way out of no way since he came into this world. He did what he knew. I also realized this aint no baby anymore. I have to loosen the apron strings...now he's only 6 so its just going from a double knot to a knot.5. This parenting thing is beyond me but I must admit I handled my Inspector Gadget mission very nicely. Sheesh! He is swifter than most kids his age and I get asked all the time how old he is because of how he speaks. I've gotta step my game up even more when it comes to him. Good-bye simple cartoons and coloring books. Hello sketch pads and science projects. *shutting out stage 1 motherhood *
So did you answer all 3 for today's trivia? Here's one last trivia question for ya?
Did he get in trouble?
You can bet your mocha latte he did! Y'all pray for us!
Respect the sway!


  1. Yeah they grow so fast I was not prepared mines does not even want me walking him in the school nor does he want to sit in a car seat anymore what happened to my lil baby boy. *crying*

    1. Chile that "new smell" has changed to that "outside" smell Smh onward we go :-)

  2. Wow. That was a little frightening, I'm sure. He is indeed doing what he sees, and he has an excellent model in his life (you). I'm thankful that the little guy is safe! Thanks for sharing

    1. Blood pressure higher than my credit score. Smh
