Monday, August 6, 2012

Writer's block

I've started and erased 3 blog entries for tonight. Why? Life. I don't want to project all that is going on with me into the might cause someone at their breaking point to actually break and thats no good for anyone. I do however want my blogs to be relevant for readers. I believe that when you are going through something, more times than not another person is as well. I want to be an encouragement. So with that being said, i gracefully decline tonight. Then again, the realist in me is shouting "You better say SOMETHING! " She is such a heffa smh
People I am not liking my ambition right now. I'm stubborn and won't stop until Ive exhausted all possibilities ....and I'm there...EXHAUSTED. It's taking alot of strength to even type this right now. So what do I have to say? Umm lets start with Gabby Douglas...the amount of self hatred a race has was made international news Smh Gabby got Kanye'd by her own people. Hate it or love it, that's what happened. What should've been a glorious moment was tarnished.
This shows the dysfunction that exists but people refuse to address. And speaking of dysfunction, WHY and WHO came up with these reality shows that celebrates it? Seriously how is this even on an agenda in a boardroom??? I have better ideas on my sticky notes! Smh
I have some reality that you can record and televise! Ambition, struggle, faith, creativity, vision, tenacity,courage. How about those?  Will it get ratings? By the looks of things, the whole show would end up on the editing floor.
See, I told that ol' realist heffa i didn't need to write...I'm too frustrated with all the tomfoolery going on. I wish writer's block was contagious...I'd sneeze on a few people.
Respect the sway!

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