Wednesday, August 8, 2012

And the award goes to...

You won't be able to buy this in stores or visit a website. Its not a new product or idea been around for years but remarkably still so rare.
This week's Hootie Hoo Hump day is celebrating people who truthfully give of themselves in order to help others. Not because of what they may get in return but because it's the right thing to do. Individuals, honest non-profits, next door neighbors, people who "get it". I normally would record but my red eyes wouldn't be too video friendly. Yeah I've been crying Smh *sigh*
Ok remember that I'm no victim and I don't put that kinda energy out there. I never know who is reading and I'd rather be a testament to staying in the game vs being spread eagle in the floor snottin' and sniveling like all hope is gone. I'm just exhausted. The magnitude of all that I have on my shoulders got the best of me this week. It's a rough time 'round these parts.
So back to the point...what can this world look forward to if everything must have a return? Yet we continue to post such profound statuses and pictures and tweets about empowerment and improvement while being silent everytime the opportunity to improve a situation arises. How do we really get there if our eyes are fixed on a selfish prize? I am NOT against being financially blessed. I just detest selfishness. I don't even think selfish people realize they're selfish. What's even worse is the greed that tends to tagalong.
I won't bore you with the typical "We are the world" speech. I just want to point out that we ALL are only footsteps away from being homeless and poverty stricken and God forbid it happens.  Unfortunately its a scenario many have to consider ...even with a college degree. Its just so sad when giving and working together is the very thing that allowed races to survive bondage. Do we have to be put in such extreme conditions again to realize that strategy works in good times as well?
This Hootie Hoo Hump Day is dedicated to all who give in order to strengthen those who are momentarily weak and that in itself IS the prize!
Respect the sway!

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